Industry Externship Employer Partner
The Hotel & Restaurant Services Management Diploma (HTM) program at Seneca Polytechnic is dedicated to equipping students with practical industry experience, ensuring they are well-prepared to excel in the Tourism and Hospitality industries. We believe that partnerships with esteemed organizations like yours are crucial to providing our students with the necessary hands-on experience.
By partnering with Seneca SoHT, you have the chance to increase brand visibility on campus. Additionally, we provide an opportunity for you to nurture and foster talent for your future recruitment needs. Most importantly, you gain access to an ambition-driven and job-ready pool of employees who have received practical training at our state-of-the-art facilities, such as the Hospitality Lab.
Our Externship program is a mandatory requirement for HTM students to complete hours of paid work experience within 6 months (May to October) allowing them to apply their classroom knowledge in a practical setting.
Externship Host Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in participating in the School of Hospitality and Tourism’s Externship Program! Your participation in our Externship program is invaluable in providing our students with valuable real-world experience and ensuring their successful transition into the workforce.
As an externship host, you have the opportunity to contribute to the professional development of our students and shape the next generation of skilled professionals in the industry.
The Externship Host Guidelines have been developed to provide you with comprehensive information and guidance on hosting our students.
These guidelines outline the expectations, responsibilities, and benefits of being a placement host.
By adhering to these guidelines, you will help create a positive and meaningful learning experience for our students while also benefiting from their contributions and fresh perspectives.
Our Externship Program is only offered in the Summer Term leading to the first three weeks of the Fall Semester, in the months of May to October.
All students must be employed at a paid employment location for six months.
To proceed with the Externship program and take advantage of these benefits, we kindly request that you complete the Employer Agreement Form presented to you by our student. Once completed, please submit it to our student who is responsible for uploading your completed form.
Students are required to complete hours for their Externship.
Work schedules can be flexible and completed within the semester at their discretion, subject to agreement with their supervisor.
Our students are required to sign an Externship Responsibility Agreement with Seneca Polytechnic. This agreement ensures that they understand their responsibilities and the objectives of the program and commit to completing their placement with professionalism and dedication.
Externship hosts are required to provide paystubs to students according to provincial guidelines.
These paystubs will serve as documentation of the hours worked by the student for your company. Students will submit these paystubs as assignments, and these paystubs will be used to accurately track the number of hours they have worked during their externship.
Students must be supervised - directly or indirectly.
Indirect supervision can mean that the trainer does not have day-to-day, direct contact with the student during the externship. The supervisor must ensure providing guidance and support to the student during their externship, fostering a positive learning environment.
Regular attendance, punctuality and reliability are vital components of the Extenrship program.
It is the responsibility of the student to notify the employer immediately if they are going to be absent from work. Other than for extreme emergencies or serious illness, regular attendance must be maintained.
During the Externship, students are not entitled to a vacation. Vacation pay is included in the student's salary. Under exceptional circumstances, the student may request vacation prior to the start of employment.
This must be approved in advance by the Professor and the employer. -
Professional grooming is required and expected of the students. If you will require a uniform, students are expected to wear them neatly and professionally
The employer has the right to dismiss the student for just cause. The student must notify the Professor immediately when dismissed from the externship. The circumstances surrounding the termination will be reviewed with the student, employer, and Professor.
The student is evaluated at the end of the Extenrship period through your evaluation of the student’s performance.
The field placement coordinator or professor will connect with you towards the end of the placement, around September or October to provide you with the appropriate evaluation forms.
To assess student progress and performance, our team may aim to visit the student and supervisor at their place of employment whenever possible.
During these site visits, a site visit report is completed by the professor, employer, and student. -
You can always contact the Externship Team with any questions or to discuss the student’s progress.
Your suggestions and opinions are always appreciated. If you have any questions or questions concerning our student, please connect with our Externship Team:
Hospitality Program Coordinator:
Heather Laver at
Field Placement Assistant:
Camille Bayarcal at
Thank you for supporting the development of our students. By working together, we can create meaningful opportunities that benefit both your organization and the next generation of professionals in the Hospitality industry!
Benefits of Hiring Our Hospitality Students
Access to Fresh Perspectives
Access to a pipeline of passionate, motivated and career-driven employees. By hiring our students, you bring in fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. Their recent exposure to industry trends and their academic background allows them to offer unique insights and approaches to problem-solving.
Up-to-Date Industry-Relevant Knowledge and Skills
Our students are equipped with the latest industry-relevant skills and knowledge through their coursework and practical training. This enables them to quickly adapt to your organization's processes and contribute effectively from day one.
Cost-Effective Talent Acquisition
Hiring our students provides a cost-effective solution for talent acquisition.
Long-Term Talent Development
By hiring our students, you have the opportunity to cultivate long-term talent within your organization. Many of our students are eager to grow their careers with a supportive employer, enabling you to build a pipeline of skilled professionals who are already familiar with your company culture and operations